Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's been way too long folks...

so I realize that it's taken me awhile to get "back on the wagon" blogger style. I will work on that. Hopefully next week we will have internet...in the HOUSE. I really AM living it up in Ecuador!

I moved a few weeks ago to my friend/coworker/all around favorite Cuencana Maria's house. I am having a blast. It's just her, her daughter and I (a lot less of a ruckus compared to the gringo house) but we have a lot of fun. I've been going to Yungilla the past few weekends with them and my adopted Ecuadorian family which is always a good time.

In other news I am addicted to Pet Society on Facebook. I am also addicted to calling it Littlest Pet Shop, for some reason.

School is going well. We just got internet installed today which is a big releif as the computer teacher. I was getting sick of diagraming computers and drawing our ideal peripherals. Yes, peripherals. Just because they're English Language Learners doesn't mean they can't have a nerdy computer vocabulary!

Apart from teaching computers, I work with the 2-4 year olds and the Kindergarteners. The babies, 2-4 yrs, are soooooo precious. They love to sing and dance, especially to Barney's famous: "Clean up, Clean up Everybody Everywhere"...I honestly never thought I would be singing that song past the age of 7. Either way, they're great. I usually cheat and whisper to them in Spanish. Things like: aw you're so cute, you were very well behaved today, isn't tia Erin cool? Usually things to make them love me.

The Kindergarteners on the other hand...well...they made a teacher cry the other day. Yikes. One of the students (which was hilarious to watch by the way) peed off of a tree stump right next to the patio in front of the school...on the first day. (He whips it out on many occasion.) And that's just one of the 20 bundles of joy. (I realize that that statement may have sounded as if I were referring to newborns, I apoligize, I just couldn't think of anything more clever plus I am pretty lazy en esta epoca.)

Oh, I am going to dance classes. It's like dance class plus arobics and no breaks. It's sweatty, but realllll good. I am learning to dance, por FIN, and break the stereotype that gringas can't move their hips. Well guess who can now? THIS GUY...girl...whatever. Regardless if I rock at dancing now, I still get made fun of by virtually everyone there, it comes with the territory I guess.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the brief update. Please send me a comment or two to let me know that someone out there reads this thing. Chau, cuidense.