Monday, June 8, 2009

i have arrived!

I arrived safely in Cuenca today. I left MSP yesterday at about 9:30am and arrived in Quito, the capital, at 12:00 midnight. I had arranged for an airport pickup, which was great because the plane was supposed to get in at 11:05. So I am glad I had a ride to the hostel still!! The driver was really nice and he wrote my name on a sign and everything--very official. So basically I just went to the hostel for some sleep (hostel casa kanela in Quito--would recommend) and some breakfast because I left this morning at 8:45.

I flew from Quito (9500 ft) to Guayaquil (0ft) to Cuenca(9000ft) and arrived with some altitude sickness. No problem though, I slept it off and am going to take it easy for the next few days. I start at the school on Wednesday and will be sure to post some pictures as well as let you know how it is going. It hasn't hit me yet that I am here! I am making an appearance at the orf tomorrow and can't wait to see all the girls and my friend santiago!

So stay tuned, I will post pictures asap! Cuidense todos! (take care everyone!)


  1. I'm glad you arrived safely!!! I hope you say hi to all of your old friends there! I miss Cuenca and would like to meet up with my host family for some day! Refresh yourself in the waters of the Tomebamba too!!! Its 90 degrees here, hu hu hu, mucho mucho mucho calor!

  2. ERIN! so happy you made it! wow you probably started teaching already! let me know how your first couple days are going! I miss you pal!
